The Co-op in my Dream
archival document, archival photos, mixed media installation with slide projection
英國國家檔案處未落實的方案:1983年的文件(FCO 87/1618)中提出動議,建議英國政府將550萬香港人移遷到愛爾蘭的阿爾斯特(Ulster)。/ 搜集到的80年代港人到愛爾蘭的生活照及私人收藏的物品,如幻燈片、書信文件、VHS錄影帶、紀念品。/ 與建屋合作社成員的訪問:關於合作社這種民主管理的社會實踐的故事。/2019年社會運動期間的自我組織形式的例子。
The Co-op in my Dream
This work is a novel and installation based on four sets of historical materials:
An unrealized proposal from the British National Archives: A 1983 document (FCO 87/1618) proposed relocating 5.5 million Hong Kong people to Ulster, Ireland. / A collection of candid photographs and personal memorabilia from the 1980s of Hong Kong people living in Ireland, such as slides, letters, VHS tapes, and souvenirs. / Interviews with a member of housing cooperatives: Stories about the democratic management practices of cooperatives. / Examples of self-organizing forms during the 2019 social movements in Hong Kong.
The novel imagines the implementation of this experimental plan, envisioning that the housing and living systems of the relocated people are maintained in the form of cooperatives, promoting a certain lifestyle. The work attempts to explore the impact of the novel on historical imagination and proposes how imagination and action can serve as a form of resistance.