

鄭天儀(2022年4月 22日)。〈圓缺記 嚴瑞芳,做一場有關離散的彌撒〉

曾曉玲(2022年4月17日)。〈ways of seeing:Emo時,為脆弱情緒「做gym」 〉

練習emo 丨 島聚,文:李安琪



藝術新貌 通幽動微 丨 號外雜誌,文:Samwai Lam

嚴瑞芳《一介之逆》 抗爭姿態之鍛鍊丨 明周,文:盧燕珊 


香港藝術家如何詮釋「父親」丨 COBO Social,文:Fizen Yuen

廿年前後話「2017的想像」丨 明報周刊,撰文: Janice 

鴿子、機器人及其他:〈廿年回歸前後話〉展覽筆記 丨查映嵐 

重演戴卓爾跌倒一幕 丨立場新聞,撰文:吉暝水 

三個藝術展重現九七  在歷史中重思香港當下,香港01,撰文: 鄧詠瑤 

Chung, Peter (2022), “Emo Gym”, Art Asia Pacific, July/ August, 84.

‘Some Tangible, Some Forgotten: Art About Borders in the Hong Kong SAR’, by Frank Vigneron from book: Visual Culture Wars at the Borders of Contemporary China (Springer), Pages 27-58

Yim Sui Fong solo exhibition: A Room of Resistance curated by Susi Law

Art Appraisal Club, text by Yang Yeung

For care to come through political dissent – the story of Hong Kong-based artists Stephanie Sin and Suifong Yim 丨 un Magazine issue 14.1, text by Yang Yeung

Cheung, Ysabelle (2021), “Can’t touch this!” at WMA, Artforum International.

Two Hong Kong Artists Tackling Social Issues 丨Perspective, written by John Batten

Social Conscience 丨International Association of Art Critics Hong Kong, written by John Batten

No Place like Home - A reflection on From Vanishing to Creation: A Dialogue about Urban Transition, a panel discussion accompanying the WMA Exhibition Transition 

Hong Kong Soft Power. Art Practices in the Special Administrative Region 2005-2014. Hong Kong 丨The Chinese University Press, 2018. Author: Professor Frank Vigneron



他山之木訪問— Y PARK 林 區

伍韵怡(主持)(2021年10月16日)。《拉近文化》 。香港:有線寬頻。



Kyle Yim (Producer)(2021), “The Works:Y•PARK Sculpture Camp”, Hong Kong, RTHK. 24 November 202.